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Controversy Surrounds WA's Trade Envoy Appointment and Kitchen Lessons from Mum

2024-07-02 07:14:47.128000

Australia is taking significant steps to address the skills and labor shortage in the country and prioritize Technical and Further Education (TAFE) as the base for education. The Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese, has announced a landmark agreement on vocational education and training (VET). This agreement includes a $12 billion program over five years, with $1.2 billion allocated to Western Australia. The aim is to train Australians for jobs and reduce reliance on temporary labor.

The success of the Fee-Free TAFE program is highlighted, which has increased enrollment and provided opportunities for both young and mature students. The Premier of Western Australia, Roger Cook, expresses support for the agreement and emphasizes the importance of targeting resources to qualifications vital for the state's economy. The Training Minister, Simone McGurk, acknowledges the cooperation between the federal and state governments and the certainty of funding for five years.

In addition to the vocational education and training agreement, the Prime Minister also addresses international issues. He expresses support for Israel's right to defend itself and acknowledges the suffering of both Israeli and Palestinian citizens. He condemns anti-Semitism and Islamophobia, emphasizing the need for responsible language. Regarding Ukraine, the Prime Minister expresses support for the Ukrainian people and condemns Russia's invasion. Australia remains committed to supporting Ukraine and providing refuge for those fleeing the conflict.

The Victorian government is also taking steps to boost training opportunities for its residents. The Victorian Skills Plan outlines the state's skills and training sector over the next three years. The plan aims to provide more training opportunities in high-demand industries and for Victoria's TAFE system. The Free TAFE program has already removed barriers for training, saving students over $394 million since 2019.

These initiatives in Australia and Victoria demonstrate a commitment to investing in vocational education and training, prioritizing TAFE as a foundation for education, and providing opportunities for individuals to gain the skills needed for high-demand industries. By focusing on training Australians and removing barriers to education, these programs aim to address labor shortages and create a skilled workforce for the future.

The federal and state governments in Western Australia have signed a landmark $1.6 billion deal to fully fund public schools in the state. Under the agreement, funding for all WA public schools will increase from 95% to 100% of the School Resourcing Standard by 2026. The state's most disadvantaged schools will be fully funded first, with an additional $777.4 million to be invested from 2025 to 2029. Currently, the Commonwealth provides 20% of the funding for WA public schools, but this will increase to 21.25% in 2025 and 22.5% in 2026. The WA government will contribute 77.5% of the extra investment. The deal sets the basis for the negotiation of the next National School Reform Agreement and an associated bilateral agreement. Federal Education Minister Jason Clare and WA Premier Roger Cook both expressed their commitment to a fairer and better education system. The Australian Education Union welcomed the announcement but called for a bigger investment to fully fund public schools by 2026. Greens education spokeswoman Senator Penny Allman-Payne criticized the deal, stating that the schools would not be fully funded under it.

The Department of Justice in Western Australia is planning to boost the ranks of prison officers through regional recruitment. The department intends to hold Prison Officer training courses in regional locations, allowing recruits to gain employment without leaving their local community. The three-month paid course will be held in Albany, Geraldton, and Kalgoorlie-Boulder, with the first course scheduled to begin in Albany in May. Recruits will be paid $66,658 per annum during the course, with their salary increasing to $86,156 - $97,107 (plus superannuation) when qualified and on the job. Corrective Services Minister Paul Papalia believes that hosting local training courses throughout country WA will remove the barrier of having to leave family and friends to train in Perth.

Controversy has arisen in Western Australia surrounding the appointment of the state's trade envoy to India and the Middle East, Nashid Chowdhury. It has been revealed that Chowdhury employed her family's babysitter as a temporary executive assistant in her Chennai-based office. Additionally, her sister, a MasterChef star, was commissioned to cater for a dinner in Mumbai. Chowdhury, who earns $300,000 per year as the State Government's Investment and Trade Commissioner for the India and Gulf region, has faced criticism for these appointments. The article from The West Australian raises questions about the transparency and fairness of the hiring process and highlights concerns about potential conflicts of interest. [af6f8278]

The article from Central Queensland Today discusses kitchen lessons from the author's mother and pays tribute to Neil Fisher, who served the community. The author expresses gratitude to Neil Fisher for his lifetime of service. The Senate has passed reforms cracking down on the market for nicotine vapes in Australia, which has been welcomed by the peak GP body. The Therapeutic Goods and... Heavy fog resulted in a lighter weekend on the water. The She Sails regatta was an outstanding event. Yeppoon Aquatic will receive $13 million for upgrades. Stephens had a magic moment. The article is from Central Queensland Today. [4ad74a30]

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