In a groundbreaking development for the science sector in New Zealand, the Sustainable Seas National Science Challenge has partnered with Daylight to create Tohor, an AI-powered search tool that aims to revolutionize the field of marine science [4787d692]. Tohor is the first tool of its kind in New Zealand and leverages artificial intelligence to search a vast research repository and distill key findings into clear and concise summaries [4787d692].
Tohor's objective is to provide crucial insights for policy-making, sustainable business practices, and community actions. It aims to bridge the gap between academic research and practical information, with the goal of benefiting society as a whole [4787d692].
Developed by Dr. Julie Hall and Lizzie Robson, Tohor is designed to be conversational and approachable. It features natural language search functionality, document summarization, and key insights features [4787d692]. The tool is expected to inform decision-making, enhance ecological health, and shape marine management practices and policies in New Zealand [4787d692].