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North Carolina Governor Vetoes Budget, Calls for More Funding for Juvenile Justice System

2024-06-19 21:35:40.690000

The North Carolina Governor, Roy Cooper, has vetoed the state's budget and called for increased funding for the juvenile justice system. In his veto message, Governor Cooper urged the legislature to invest more in the system to prevent crimes and ensure appropriate handling of children who break the law. This request for additional funding specifically relates to the treatment of 16- and 17-year-olds accused of serious crimes, which conflicts with the Raise the Age law. Governor Cooper's veto marks his 21st veto of the two-year session, surpassing the previous record of 20 held by former Governor Bev Perdue. However, the legislature has overridden all of Governor Cooper's vetoes this session. The deadline for state budget adjustments is approaching, and if no agreement is reached, the current plans will remain in effect. [1b326643]

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