v0.06 🌳  

DBS Bank Recommends Bitcoin as a Portfolio Diversifier for Long-Term Investors

2024-06-25 08:54:19.885000

DBS Bank, a leading financial services group in Asia, sees Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies as potential diversifiers for investors' portfolios. Daryl Ho, senior investment strategist at DBS, highlights Bitcoin's limited supply and recent approval of spot Bitcoin ETFs by the US SEC as positive signs for mainstream adoption. However, Ho notes that Bitcoin's lack of history compared to gold may be a concern for some investors. DBS Bank recommends investors focus on stocks, bonds, and traditional assets, but also acknowledges the potential benefits of including Bitcoin in a long-term investment strategy. Ho believes that Bitcoin is a long-term play, similar to digital gold but with higher volatility. DBS Bank anticipates sideways movement for crypto in the second half of 2024. The bank also recommends overweighting risk assets like equities and alternatives, and presents a positive outlook for risk assets, with a soft landing for the US economy and a broadening equity rally. DBS Bank introduces a new investment theme: space. Additionally, over 50% of Japanese investment managers intend to invest in crypto. [5b680667] [0d5542dc] [71e5437b] [21c860b0] [b6e6c729] [cbbce160]

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