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Texas Maintains Position as Top US Export State, Contributing to National Trade Growth

2024-05-22 09:54:01.729000

Texas continues to solidify its position as the top US export state, with $444.6 billion in exports in 2023. This marks the 22nd consecutive year that Texas has held this title. The state accounted for 36% of the national increase in exports from 2018 to 2023, highlighting its significant contribution to the country's trade [026fe6a3] [bc5f4a41].

The largest category of exports from Texas is oil and gas, totaling $139.9 billion. Petroleum and coal products follow closely behind at $70.0 billion, with chemicals rounding out the top three at $58.3 billion. Computer and electronic products also make a significant contribution to Texas' exports [026fe6a3].

Texas' export success is a testament to the state's thriving economy and business-friendly environment. The state's port infrastructure, including the Port of Houston, Port of Corpus Christi, and Port of Beaumont, play a crucial role in facilitating trade and enabling the efficient movement of goods. Additionally, Texas' strong manufacturing sector, particularly in the oil and gas industry, contributes to its export dominance. The state's strategic location and extensive transportation network further enhance its ability to connect with global markets. Texas' export success not only supports the state's economy but also has a significant impact on the overall US economy, contributing to job creation and economic growth [026fe6a3] [76a62a82].

With its abundant natural resources and continued growth in manufacturing, Texas is expected to widen the gap even further in the future [026fe6a3].

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