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Tony Elumelu and Idris Elba Lead Efforts for Climate Action, Sustainable Development, and Economic Empowerment in Africa

2024-05-17 12:56:50.639000

Tony Elumelu, Founder of the Tony Elumelu Foundation, and Idris Elba, the 51-year-old actor, are both championing initiatives for climate action, sustainable development, and economic empowerment in Africa. Elumelu recently convened global leaders at the COP28 – UN Climate Change Conference in Dubai to drive immediate and equitable climate action for Africa. The high-level session, hosted by Elumelu and the United Bank for Africa (UBA), focused on innovative approaches to climate adaptation and mitigation while fostering sustainable development. The dialogue included speakers such as Okonjo Iweala, Director General of the World Trade Organization, and Ahunna Eziakonwa, Assistant Administrator and Regional Director for Africa at UNDP. Elumelu emphasized the need for Africa to actively participate in global climate conversations and set the agenda. The Tony Elumelu Foundation has partnered with organizations like UNDP and IFC to empower young Africans and impact the lives of one million young Africans in the Sahel region. The foundation also launched the #BeGreenAfrica Initiative to support green entrepreneurship and youth development. Elumelu called for global partners to join The Tony Elumelu Foundation Coalition for African Entrepreneurs. Elumelu also participated in panel discussions and fireside conversations with global leaders at COP28 [70a6b112].

Meanwhile, Idris Elba is working with Siaka Stevens, his childhood friend, to develop an eco-friendly smart city on Sherbro Island in Sierra Leone. The project aims to bring tourism to the 19 miles of beachfront and install wind-powered renewable electricity in Sierra Leone for the first time. Elba's father was born in Sierra Leone, making this project personally significant to him. The actor plans to follow his father's advice and do the project properly and with all his heart [761ac72c].

These efforts by Elumelu and Elba highlight the importance of investing in alternative energy, empowering young Africans, and addressing climate change for Africa's economic prosperity, sustainable future, and economic empowerment. In an analysis by Tony O. Elumelu, the founder of the Tony Elumelu Foundation and Chairman of UBA Group, he emphasizes the philosophy of Africapitalism as a bold and visionary approach to economic empowerment in Africa. Africapitalism is driven by the belief that the private sector has a pivotal role to play in advancing Africa's development agenda. Elumelu highlights three critical themes that demand urgent attention and collective action: entrepreneurship and job creation for global food security, economic empowerment of Africa's youth to address migration challenges, and private-public partnerships for access to healthcare and innovation. Elumelu is committed to driving Africa's transformational agenda through strategic partnerships, innovative solutions, and inclusive growth [b48b41db].

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