v1.14 🌳  

Rupiah Expected to Weaken Further Amid Fiscal Policy Uncertainty

2024-06-24 05:54:44.947000

The Indonesian rupiah is expected to continue its depreciation against the US dollar, with the exchange rate projected to fall to Rp16,510 per US dollar. Last Friday, the rupiah closed at 16,450 per US dollar. Ibrahim Assuaibi, Director of Laba Forexindo Berjangka, predicts that the rupiah exchange rate will fluctuate and close lower in the range of Rp16,440 - Rp16,510. The market is concerned about the uncertainty surrounding fiscal policy direction and the projected large budget deficit of 2.8 percent of GDP. The attitude of President-elect Prabowo Subianto towards debt has also influenced the weakening of the rupiah. Experts urge the Prabowo-Gibran administration to communicate its commitment to fiscal discipline. It is crucial for the government and Bank Indonesia to maintain currency stability based on the fundamental strength of the Indonesian economy [8048da9d].

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