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Macron and Lula's 'bromance' sparks social media frenzy during submarine launch in Brazil

2024-03-28 04:23:13.031000

President Emmanuel Macron and former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva celebrated the launch of Brazil's third French-designed submarine. The submarine, which was christened by First Lady Rosangela da Silva, is part of the defense ties between France and Brazil. Macron's visit to Brazil is aimed at resetting ties that had deteriorated under former President Jair Bolsonaro. The defense cooperation between France and Brazil will enable both countries to prepare for global unrest and secure Brazil's immense coastline, known as the 'Blue Amazon.' The construction of the submarines was outlined in a 2008 deal between Lula and former French President Nicolas Sarkozy. Brazil is also planning to build its first nuclear-powered submarine with support from the French naval defense manufacturer Naval Group. France is currently the third largest investor in Brazil.

During Macron's visit, his warm relations with Lula sparked a 'bromance' on social media. The French President was pictured smiling and embracing Lula during a trip to the Amazonian rainforest. The images quickly circulated widely on social media, with users joking about the leaders getting married and going on a honeymoon. Macron's visit also marked a departure from his frosty relationship with Brazil's former president Jair Bolsonaro. The two leaders announced a billion-dollar green investment plan for the Amazon during Macron's visit. [abd8e07f] [911ebfcf]

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