v0.48 🌳  

High Stakes of Crime Policies in Pima County's Democratic Primary

2024-06-29 14:59:07.025000

In the Pima County Democratic primary election, criminal justice reform has emerged as a central issue, with particular resonance in communities of color that often bear the brunt of both crime and flawed policing practices. Increased crime has cascading effects on the entire community, with communities of color often hit hardest. One innovative idea is for municipalities like the City of Tucson to provide temporary sales tax rebates to businesses that experience crime-related property damage. Democrats should advocate for evidence-based policies that address root causes of crime such as poverty, lack of opportunity, failing schools, and untreated mental health issues, while still ensuring violent and repeat offenders face consequences. Pima County Democrats will need to strike a balance between advocating for criminal justice reform and demonstrating their commitment to public safety. Pima County needs new Democratic leadership including Mike Jette as County Attorney and Edgar Soto on the Board of Supervisors. [7aa26583]

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