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GBTA US Legislative Summit 2024 Advocates for Policies Supporting a Sustainable Future for Business Travel

2024-06-20 11:54:17.632000

The GBTA U.S. Legislative Summit 2024 was held in Washington D.C., bringing together over 100 participants from the Global Business Travel Association (GBTA) to engage with U.S. Senators, Representatives, and their staff. The summit aimed to advocate for policies that support a sustainable future for business travel [46b63ad2].

During the summit, the participants shared key insights from GBTA's 'GBTA U.S. Economic Impact Study: Business Travel's Impact on Jobs and the U.S. Economy.' The study highlights that U.S. business travel contributes $484.4 billion annually to the GDP, emphasizing the significant economic impact of business travel [46b63ad2].

The participants also discussed GBTA's policy priorities for 2024-25, which include focusing on passenger facilitation, promoting sustainable business travel, and modernizing travel infrastructure. They urged legislators to support the Farm to Fly Act and the Visa Processing Improvement Act, both of which are aimed at enhancing the travel experience and supporting the industry's sustainability efforts [46b63ad2].

The summit provided an opportunity for GBTA constituents to advocate for the importance of business travel in fostering economic growth. The participants engaged with U.S. senators and representatives to ensure that legislators are informed about the unique purpose and value of business travel [46b63ad2].

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