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Outgoing and Incoming NAB CEOs Discuss Transition, Housing, and Economic Outlook on RN Breakfast

2024-03-01 01:26:22.973000

Outgoing NAB CEO Ross McEwan and incoming NAB CEO Andrew Irvine recently appeared on ABC RN Breakfast's Patricia Karvelas to discuss the CEO transition, housing, economic conditions, and NAB's support for customers. McEwan explained that he is stepping down after four years and handing over to Irvine, who joined NAB during the Victorian pandemic lockdowns. They discussed the economic conditions ahead, with McEwan noting that interest rates rising quickly last year resulted in thinner margins for banks. They also addressed the housing crisis in Australia and the need for faster state government approvals and tax reform to encourage developers to build more houses and apartments. McEwan emphasized the importance of trust in the banking industry and the lessons learned from the Hayne Royal Commission. Irvine expressed his commitment to improving gender representation in senior leadership positions at NAB. [060588a3]

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