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Promoting Sustainable Consumption: EEG and DEWA Collect and Recycle Thousands of Kilograms of Aluminium Cans and Plastic Bottles

2024-03-03 13:21:42.554000

Emirates Environmental Group (EEG) conducted its annual 'Can Collection Drive' and collected 11,254 kg of aluminium cans for recycling in the UAE. The drive promotes sustainable consumption practices and resource conservation. EEG aims to collect 27,500 kg of aluminium cans in 2023, and so far, they have achieved 97.6% of their goal. The organization emphasizes the importance of sustained community-wide participation to combat climate change and achieve circularity. EEG has collected a total of 404,917 kg of aluminium cans since its inception in 1997. The campaign aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals and EEG is a member of various international organizations focused on environmental protection. In addition to aluminium cans, EEG also collects paper, plastic, glass bottles, toners, mobile phones, e-waste, and metal scrap for recycling. EEG is a professional working group established in 1991 and is actively supported by local and federal government agencies. They are ISO 14001 certified and have accredited status to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification and the UN Environment Programme.

Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) employees have also been actively involved in recycling efforts. From October 2022 to December 2023, DEWA employees recycled 499,541 plastic bottles and aluminium cans, diverting 7,108 kilograms of waste from landfills. DEWA provides smart machines for recycling in its buildings, operated through the Smart Office app. Employees receive points for each recycling operation and have the chance to win monthly prizes. DEWA's recycling initiatives align with the UAE Circular Economy Policy and DEWA's Circular Economy Strategy, supporting resource optimization and environmental value. DEWA organized 13 awareness activities for employees to promote responsible and sustainable practices, including recycling and reducing waste. These initiatives by DEWA and EEG highlight the importance of corporate social responsibility and the impact that organizations can have on promoting sustainability and resource conservation.

These two stories highlight the importance of corporate social responsibility and the impact that companies can have on society. Whether it's raising awareness about breast cancer or providing financial support for education, these organizations are making a difference in their respective communities. By prioritizing initiatives that go beyond profit-making, they are contributing to a better future for all.

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