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The Importance of Voting in the 2024 Election: Insights from an Essay Contest

2024-07-03 04:10:34.418000

America's foreign policy is often shaped by domestic politics, with ideological positions and the concerns of a few guiding interventions and wars. The legacy of conflicts such as the Vietnam War and the War on Terrorism has been influenced by domestic political considerations. The Biden administration's support for Israel under Netanyahu differs from the Obama administration's stance. American citizens' beliefs are shaped by news and media, allowing support for wars and coups in distant nations. The US foreign policy, influenced by lobbies and elections, has benefited China and caused confusion in messaging. The author argues that foreign policy driven by domestic politics does not serve the interests of the American people.

Foreign policy is playing a significant role in the 2024 presidential election in the United States. According to a recent poll, about 40% of respondents consider foreign policy as a key issue in the election, which is twice as many as a year ago [1e17cf28]. The ongoing troubles in the Middle East, concerns about the war in Ukraine, and China's stance toward Taiwan are fueling voter concerns about the geopolitical landscape. Immigration, particularly related to the US-Mexico border, is also a growing concern for voters. While foreign policy has not been a top priority for voters in recent decades, there are several reasons why it remains prominent this year. These include Russia's gains in Ukraine and the potential risk of conflict escalation in the Middle East. However, there is no clear consensus on foreign policy in the US, and the increasing polarization of foreign policy reduces the opportunity for Americans to unite around national interests during times of geopolitical tensions. Partisan divisions on foreign policy could further reinforce political polarization and attract global attention to the election [1e17cf28].

Contrary to the prevailing view, historian Niall Ferguson argues that the 2024 US election is not about foreign policy. In a podcast episode of Voternomics, Ferguson suggests that independent voters are not paying attention to the Middle East or college campuses, which are traditionally seen as key foreign policy issues [860a90b4]. Instead, he believes that voters have the opportunity to affect markets, countries, and economies, and that these are the issues that will shape their decision-making. Ferguson is joined by other guests, including Stephanie Flanders, Allegra Stratton, Adrian Wooldridge, and Nancy Cook, who discuss the impact of voters on various aspects of society [860a90b4].

While Ferguson's perspective challenges the notion that foreign policy is a central concern in the election, it is important to consider that his views are not universally shared. The earlier poll indicating that 40% of respondents view foreign policy as a key issue suggests that there is still significant interest and concern among voters regarding the US's role in the world [1e17cf28]. The role of foreign policy in the election remains a complex and multifaceted issue, with different perspectives and priorities among voters.

Recent developments in US foreign policy decisions by the current administration are also shaping the election landscape. Joe Biden's foreign policy decisions, particularly regarding Ukraine, China, and the Israel-Gaza war, are facing challenges and criticism [1cf450d7]. Concerns about Biden's handling of these issues, along with other factors such as his age and alleged memory loss, the increase in illegal immigration, and the perception that the economy was better under Trump, may be affecting his popularity and poll numbers. Despite positive economic indicators such as low jobless rates, rising wages, and a booming stock market, Biden is still behind Trump in the polls [1cf450d7]. The outcome of the US elections in November will have a significant impact on the world, as the foreign policy decisions made by the winning candidate will shape the country's relationships with other nations and global dynamics [1cf450d7].

Candidates in Iran's snap presidential election on June 28 are engaged in hectic campaigning, presenting their ambitious programs and strategies. Saeed Jalili emphasized the importance of leveraging 'global opportunities' in foreign policy and economic growth through improved ties with neighboring countries. Mostafa Pourmohammadi focused on fostering societal 'well-being' and justice, while Masoud Pezeshkian advocated for a foreign policy rooted in 'diplomacy and dialogue' and empowering individuals. Amir-Hossein Ghazizadeh Hashemi placed 'family' at the nucleus of his cultural blueprint, and Alireza Zakani unveiled economic strategies for national progress. Baqer Qalibaf emphasized curbing inflation and fostering economic growth as pivotal parts of his governance agenda [0ae77f69].

The upcoming 2024 national conventions in the United States are expected to place a greater emphasis on U.S. foreign policy. While conventions traditionally focus on domestic priorities, periods of global instability or armed conflict often bring foreign policy and national security issues to the forefront. Past conventions have addressed topics such as terrorism, the war in the Middle East, nuclear proliferation, the rise of China, immigration, human rights, trade, energy, and climate change. These choreographed events showcase party leaders, rising stars, and celebrity supporters through speeches, videos, and official business, culminating in the nomination of the party's presidential and vice presidential candidates. The foreign policy issues discussed at the conventions reflect the national and international dynamics at the time. During periods of conflict or threat, foreign policy and security concerns take center stage. However, during periods of stability, these issues tend to take a back seat to domestic concerns. Policy platforms, drafted by a group of delegates known as the Platform Committee, list a party's governing priorities and policy prescriptions. While platforms are not binding, they reflect the parties' worldviews. Foreign policy can be a divisive issue at conventions, with different factions within a party clashing over certain positions. Looking ahead to the 2024 conventions, foreign policy is expected to play a larger role, with voters focused on issues such as the wars in the Middle East, U.S. immigration and border security, and challenges from China. Divisions within the Democratic and Republican parties over issues such as the Israel-Hamas war and U.S. aid to Ukraine are also likely to be highlighted. However, the specific impact of these issues at the conventions is still uncertain. Overall, foreign policy is expected to be a significant topic of discussion and debate at the 2024 national conventions [d9275fbc].

The U.S. Conference of Mayors (USCM) has released its 2024 election priorities, a bipartisan national issue platform that will drive the mayors’ advocacy at the Republican and Democratic national conventions. The priorities cover a range of issues impacting American cities, including affordable housing, gun laws, mental health funding, workforce training, and the environment. Mayors plan to carry their agenda to both presidential and congressional candidates, calling on them to address federal actions that impact cities. The priorities also include transportation, immigration reform, clean water, climate action, tax code rewrite, and human rights protection [9fcf35bf].

In a recent essay contest titled 'If I Could Vote,' Sitka Vicha expresses their disappointment at not being able to vote due to being underage on Election Day. They emphasize the importance of handling foreign affairs, particularly in the Middle East, and preventing regional escalation. The author suggests voting for a Democratic candidate who prioritizes de-escalating conflict, providing humanitarian aid to Palestinians, and negotiating a two-state solution. They also mention the recent Israel-Hamas war and the bombing of a U.S. air base near the Syrian-Jordan border. The author believes that a Democratic president would handle foreign affairs with respect and prioritize global peace. They express eagerness for the upcoming election and the impact it will have on the country [a055a362].

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