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UC Santa Cruz Students Protest and Build Encampment in Call for Divestment

2024-06-12 15:19:15.211000

Protesters at the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC), held two separate protests on campus. One was the May Day parade calling for labor reform and support, while the other called for the University of California school system to divest from the war in Gaza. The protests merged into a large rally, and afterwards, an encampment was set up at Quarry Plaza with about a dozen tents and a makeshift fence [64cee81a].

UC Santa Cruz has a history of student activism and protests, but this year has been quieter compared to other schools making national headlines. However, the organization Students for Justice in Palestine at UC Santa Cruz recently posted a list of demands on Instagram, including complete divestment from weapon-manufacturing companies, full transparency of UC-wide and UCSC Foundation assets, and cutting ties with Zionist institutions. They also called for an end to academic repression, surveillance, and violence against students, as well as an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Palestine [64cee81a].

The demands for divestment from weapon-manufacturing companies align with the broader calls for divestment from companies with ties to Israel in response to the country's invasion of Gaza. Pro-Palestinian signs at the protests read 'end the occupation' and 'student intifada,' while worker signs read 'workers over profit' and 'UC students over greed' [64cee81a].

According to an article by Students for Justice in Palestine at UC Santa Cruz, a brutal, nine-hour, multi-agency police assault took place against unarmed protesters at UC Santa Cruz. The article argues that the university would rather use violence against its own students than address demands to divest from genocide. The article also mentions concerns from Gaza resistance sources that a U.S. pier will be used for the forced displacement of Palestinians. Additionally, the article discusses the power of definition in the new Jewish international [6137dd8b].

It is important to note that the protests at UC Santa Cruz are part of a larger movement taking place at universities across the United States, where students are advocating for divestment from companies with ties to Israel. These divestment campaigns aim to draw attention to the issue and create a stigma, but critics argue that they often have limited impact on corporate behavior and market trends. The feasibility of full divestment is also questioned due to close political and trade ties between the United States and Israel [899cb04c].

In summary, students at UC Santa Cruz held protests and built an encampment in their call for divestment from the war in Gaza. The demands for divestment align with the broader movement at universities across the United States. UC Santa Cruz has a history of student activism, and the organization Students for Justice in Palestine at UC Santa Cruz has posted a list of demands on social media. Additionally, an article by Students for Justice in Palestine at UC Santa Cruz highlights a police assault against protesters and discusses concerns about forced displacement and the power of definition [64cee81a] [6137dd8b].

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