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Parliament Summons Contractor Over Alleged Inflation of KICC Renovation Cost

2024-05-22 03:58:17.523000

Parliament has summoned a Chinese contractor, China Wu Yi, over alleged inflation of the cost of renovating Kenyatta International Convention Centre (KICC) to Sh3.2 billion ahead of the Africa Climate Conference hosted by President William Ruto in September 2023. The National Assembly’s Committee on Tourism and Wildlife heard that China Wu Yi had failed to clear Sh674.6 million owed to local subcontractors who undertook the works under the supervision of the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF). The committee was shocked to learn that China Wu Yi had only paid 17 percent or Sh114 million of the Sh3.19 billion that it said was the total contract sum. The Ministry of Defence and the KDF had previously stated that the total contract sum for the renovation was Sh1.94 billion. Sh1.25 billion has already been disbursed to the Ministry of Defence for payment of the Chinese contractor. The committee demanded to know the origin of the Sh3.2 billion and the involvement of the Chinese firm in paying the subcontractors. The 14 subcontractors said they did 80 percent of the renovation work while China Wu Yi undertook 20 percent. The subcontractors have only received 17 percent of their payments and are facing financial difficulties as a result. [d1c162b2]

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