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Creating an Economy that Works for the People: Recommendations from the American Academy of Arts and Sciences

2023-11-09 21:23:04.861000

The American Academy of Arts and Sciences has released a report with 15 recommendations for creating an economy that works for the people. The report, produced by the bipartisan Commission on Reimagining our Economy, includes input from academics, economists, artists, authors, labor representatives, and faith community members. It focuses on increasing economic security, bolstering economic opportunity, and improving Americans' political voice. The recommendations aim to address the fundamental problems in the economy that prevent many people from thriving. The report emphasizes the need for an economy that operates for the sake of people, rather than for greed. The commission hopes that people recognize that the economy is shaped by intentional decisions and that a different economy can be created. They believe that even in a divisive time, agreement can be reached on basic but important changes to create a healthier economy focused on well-being. The vision for a people-first economy includes work-life balance, meaningful and fulfilling work, and the ability to thrive as humans. The report launch and well-being dashboard will be held in a virtual video conference on November 9, 2023. [345b1228]

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