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German-American Conference 2024 Explores the New Realities of Democracy and Transatlantic Relations

2024-04-26 12:51:29.439000

The 2024 German-American Conference took place in Washington, D.C. in April. The conference brought together Senator Christopher Murphy (D-CT) and Sigmar Gabriel to discuss transatlantic friendship and the role of China in the relationship between Germany and the United States. The Transatlantic Trust Survey revealed a decline in mutual trust between the two countries. Panels at the conference focused on various topics, including the influence of fake news on democracy in the U.S., the importance of foreign policy in the upcoming election, political polarization in the U.S., and the upcoming European and state elections in Germany. Other topics covered at the conference included global economic stability, the Middle East divide, and public perceptions of the war in Ukraine. The next German-American Conference is expected to take place next year [38633e83].

The German-American Conference 2024 provided a platform for discussions on the new realities of democracy and the state of transatlantic relations. The conference addressed key issues such as declining trust between Germany and the United States, the impact of fake news on democracy, and the upcoming elections in both countries. It also explored global economic stability, regional conflicts, and public perceptions of international conflicts. The conference aimed to foster dialogue and cooperation between Germany and the United States, with the goal of strengthening the transatlantic partnership and promoting democratic values [atlantik-bruecke.org].

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