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Under Secretary Fernandez Discusses Critical Minerals and Electric Vehicles During Michigan Trip

2024-05-28 13:53:22.915000

U.S. Under Secretary Fernandez is embarking on a trip to Michigan from May 28 to 30. The purpose of his visit is to participate in the Mackinac Policy Conference and engage in discussions about current policy challenges and opportunities in the critical minerals, batteries, and electric vehicle sectors. During his time in Michigan, Fernandez will meet with industry and labor representatives in Detroit to discuss topics such as critical minerals, supply chain resilience, and emerging technologies. He will also highlight the State Department's work on Subnational Diplomacy and engage with Michigan public officials. Additionally, Fernandez will visit the General Motors technology and innovation campus to learn more about their advancements in the electric vehicle industry. This trip signifies the U.S. government's focus on promoting the development of critical minerals and the electric vehicle sector [ea25f55e].

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