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Business and Civic Groups Advocate for Involvement in Selection of Next CCSD Superintendent

2024-03-17 09:17:10.133000

The business and civic groups in Las Vegas, including the Latin Chamber of Commerce and the Vegas Chamber, are advocating for a voice in the selection of the next superintendent of the Clark County School District (CCSD). The Latin Chamber of Commerce, which has a positive relationship with the superintendent, wants to be involved in the hiring process as the business community believes that the education system directly affects the local economy. CCSD graduates are seen as the future workforce of Las Vegas, and business leaders are closely watching the hiring process to ensure that the next superintendent is capable of preparing students for the challenges of the workforce.

Several community organizations, including local business and industry groups, have collaborated on a letter encouraging the School Board to consider a transparent and community-participatory process in selecting the next superintendent. The Vegas Chamber President emphasized the importance of the superintendent's role in the community and economy and urged the Board to ask incisive questions about the candidates' qualifications and their ability to improve student achievement. The Board has voted to hire a search firm to gather community feedback on the next superintendent.

The Latin Chamber's president believes that a national search that also considers local candidates can recognize overlooked talent and provide credibility to a promoted leader. The ideal superintendent should understand diversity, think creatively, and recognize that not every student learns and tests the same way. The Vegas Chamber has been actively involved in shaping and supporting education policy and is looking for an extraordinary leader who can inspire teachers and support staff, gain the trust of parents, collaborate with the community, and effectively manage the operational side of the school district. [6d818baa]

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