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Ted Cruz Faces Mockery for Praising Liz Truss's Short-Lived Prime Ministerial Career and Boris Johnson's Remarks on U.S. Presidential Candidates

2024-06-30 07:58:47.794000

Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) faced ridicule over the weekend for his praise of Liz Truss, the British conservative politician who had a brief and unremarkable tenure as prime minister. Truss, who served for only 45 days, was widely criticized for her incompetence and lack of leadership skills. Many commentators described her as the worst Tory prime minister in modern times, and her tenure was marked by economic instability and shambolic government. Despite this, Cruz commended Truss, drawing mockery from critics. The incident highlights the polarizing nature of Truss's political career and the impact of affirmative action in politics.

In a related development, former Prime Minister Boris Johnson made remarks about the age of presidential candidates in the United States during a speech at Georgetown University. Johnson joked about the U.S. having the oldest presidential candidates and praised the country for its proper veneration of the elderly. He mentioned that Iceland also claims to be the oldest democracy in the world. Johnson expressed his admiration for the U.S. and its choice of octogenarian presidential candidates, stating that it is a wonderful thing to see people in their eighth or ninth decade full of fizz and spunk. [1cfc277d]

Liz Truss, Britain's shortest termed prime minister, has released a book titled 'Ten Years to Save the West', which is a call to action for fellow conservatives. Truss claims that she was a radical stymied by various forces during her time in government. She blames the administrative state, left-wing influences, and her own colleagues for her failures. Truss's policies led to a 13% shift of Tory voters towards Labour. Despite some valid observations about the limitations of the British prime minister's office, Truss's book is seen as a half-manifesto, half-lament that is unlikely to have much impact. Her 49 days in office were deemed a failure due to her incompetence. Truss's husband, political agent, and even Queen Elizabeth II advised against her prime ministerial run. The book is criticized for its incoherence and personal resentment. Truss's economic musings, known as Trussonomics, were not well-received by the markets. Truss also complains about the media's short-term focus, despite her own use of social media during her time as Foreign Secretary. Overall, Truss's book is seen as a failed attempt to salvage her political reputation. [2517d1b9]

The general election in the UK in 1979 was significant as Margaret Thatcher became the country's first female prime minister on a radical Conservative economic agenda. Thatcherism represented a total rethink over the role of the state, breaking the postwar consensus on the economy. The election took place after a wave of strikes and economic turmoil, and Thatcher won a sizeable majority. Her premiership lasted for more than 11 years, during which income taxes were slashed, industries were privatized, and she formed a close relationship with US President Ronald Reagan. However, her controversial policies and euroskepticism ultimately led to her downfall. Thatcher's admirers cite her as a political inspiration, while her opponents view her as a divisive figure whose economic liberalism and euroskepticism fueled opposition to European integration. [9ce02a0e]

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