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Nigeria and US Firm Collaborate to Launch First Human Spaceflight in Africa

2024-06-20 06:54:56.382000

The Nigerian government and the Space Exploration and Research Agency (SERA) Delaware, a United States-based company, have partnered to launch the first human spaceflight in Africa. The objective is to send the first Nigerian to space, marking a significant milestone in Nigeria's space exploration efforts. The Minister of Innovation, Science, and Technology, Uche Nnaji, emphasized that human spaceflight is a major goal of the Nigeria Space Policy and Programme. The Director-General of the National Space Research and Development Agency (NASRDA), Matthew Adepoju, mentioned that the cost of sending a Nigerian to space has been fully sponsored by SERA [078d480b].

Joshua Skurla, Co-Founder of SERA, expressed excitement about partnering with NASRDA to extend Nigeria's rich history of scientific and technological innovation into space. The collaboration aims to leverage Nigeria's expertise and resources to contribute to the field of space exploration. The application process to be part of the space mission is open to any Nigerian over 18 years old, regardless of their discipline. SERA has pledged to ensure a transparent and open selection process through its platform. Additionally, SERA has reserved a seat for a Nigerian citizen in an upcoming Blue Origin New Shepard suborbital spaceflight [078d480b] [22cb9bb1].

The partnership between Nigeria and SERA demonstrates Nigeria's commitment to joining international efforts in space research and exploration. It also highlights the country's dedication to advancing its capabilities in space exploration. The collaboration with SERA is expected to accelerate Nigeria's progress in human space exploration and pave the way for future achievements in the field [22cb9bb1].

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