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Liaoning Province Aims to Deepen Business Links with Japan

2024-04-20 00:23:17.606000

On April 19, 2024, it was reported that Liaoning province in China is seeking to deepen and expand pragmatic cooperation with Japan in various fields such as economy, trade, industry, and culture. Japan is Liaoning's largest trading partner and source of investment, with over 8,000 Japan-funded enterprises in the province and investments exceeding $25 billion. The two sides have the potential to expand investment cooperation in key areas such as high-end equipment manufacturing, fine chemicals, biomedicine, artificial intelligence, and semiconductor equipment. Liaoning also hopes to deepen cooperation in scientific and technological innovation, green and low-carbon cooperation, and new energy industries. Liaoning will support the development of Japanese enterprises in the province and provide higher quality and more efficient services. [c7a4bf7e]

Liaoning province has a historical and economic relationship with Japan, with many Japan-funded enterprises in Dalian and Shenyang. The Liaoning provincial government has shown a positive attitude in listening to the opinions of Japan-funded enterprises and solving problems. The exchange between Liaoning province and Japan is a specific measure to implement the consensus reached between the leaders of Japan and China on strengthening communication at all levels. Communication at both the central and local levels is crucial in promoting exchanges between Japan and China. [c7a4bf7e]

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