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Senator Joe Manchin's Income from Coal Business Declines

2024-05-28 10:55:53.200000

Four West Virginia school districts have recently introduced all-electric school buses, manufactured by Green-Power Motors in South Charleston. Kanawha County Schools, which takes pride in leading the charge, had former students who were part of the GreenPower team that built the buses. The purchase of electric school buses from GreenPower makes school districts and tax-exempt entities eligible for tax credits of up to $40,000 through the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act. Additionally, West Virginia counties will receive $18 million under the Clean School Bus Program to support the acquisition of electric buses [7bb1e465].

In Huntington, the former ACF Industry's machine shop is being transformed into the Marshall Advanced Manufacturing Center. This center, which received funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Economic Development Administration, aims to double the capacity of its welding program and introduce new programs focused on robotics and aerospace welding. The Inflation Reduction Act provides tax credits and incentives to manufacturers to enhance domestic manufacturing capabilities and produce clean energy [7bb1e465].

These initiatives in West Virginia align with the broader efforts of the U.S. government to support the transition to clean energy and boost domestic manufacturing. The federal incentives and tax credits provided through programs like the Inflation Reduction Act are designed to encourage the adoption of clean energy technologies and strengthen the manufacturing sector. By investing in electric school buses and advanced manufacturing centers, West Virginia is positioning itself as a leader in clean energy and manufacturing innovation [7bb1e465].

Senator Joe Manchin's income from his family's coal business has significantly declined in recent years. Last year, he earned $389,987 from Enersystems, the coal supply company he founded, compared to $613,142 five years ago. Enersystems supplies coal to the Grant Town power plant in West Virginia. Manchin has been a staunch advocate for the coal industry and has supported policies that benefit the industry while opposing aggressive climate policies. His support for the Inflation Reduction Act was contingent on industry-friendly provisions [32ef29d2].

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