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BRICS Bank to Make $5 Billion in Loans in 2024, Expanding Operations After Pandemic

2024-03-26 08:18:17.560000

The BRICS bank, also known as the New Development Bank (NDB), plans to make $5 billion in loans in 2024, according to the bank's Vice President, Zhou Qiangwu. The NDB aims to scale up its operations after being affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The majority of investments from the bank have been directed towards India and China, both BRICS members, due to their booming economies. The NDB expects China's economy and GDP to grow by over 5% in 2024, aligning with the government's expectations. India's economy is also on the rise, with an annual GDP growth rate of around 6%. The NDB's target of $5 billion in loans for 2024 is expected to be achieved through easier loan repayments from India and China. The BRICS Bank was established in 2015 by Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. [0f58d577] [be956de4]

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