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The Future of Global Best Practice Safety: 10 Key Themes

2023-10-09 09:38:02.179000

The future of global best practice safety is being shaped by dramatic changes in the way work is done. Clyde & Co has identified 10 key themes that apply to operations in any industry. These themes are driven by the rapid advancement of technology, new ways of thinking, and investor scrutiny through the ESG movement. The first theme is the integration of technology, such as automation, AI, and augmented reality, into safety practices. This includes using technology to enhance risk management, improve communication, and create a safer workplace culture. The second theme is the increasing importance of investment in safety, as investors are now scrutinizing companies' safety practices as part of their ESG assessments. The third theme is the need for effective safety reporting, which involves collecting and analyzing data to identify trends and areas for improvement. The fourth theme is crisis preparedness, as organizations need to be ready to respond to emergencies and unexpected events. The fifth theme is the importance of supply chain management in ensuring safety throughout the entire value chain. These themes highlight the evolving nature of safety practices and the need for organizations to adapt to new challenges and opportunities. [1bf826b6]

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