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Australia's defense strategy needs urgent reform to address the challenges of an age of empires

2024-06-14 14:21:40.390000

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has criticized China's actions as unacceptable after a Chinese fighter jet reportedly fired flares near an Australian navy helicopter in the Yellow Sea [00a54214]. The incident occurred while the helicopter was enforcing UN sanctions on North Korea [9e3835ad]. Canberra has expressed its concerns to China through diplomatic channels, but Beijing has yet to respond [00a54214]. This incident adds to existing tensions between the two nations, particularly in terms of security, as Australia strengthens its ties with the US to counter China's influence in the region [00a54214].

In addition to this military encounter, the Australian navy regularly transits through the Taiwan Strait as part of its regional deployment [292b86bf]. The US Navy also sends ships through the strait on a routine basis, despite objections from China [292b86bf]. The Australian navy transits through the Taiwan Strait because it is the shortest route between the East China Sea and South China Sea [292b86bf]. The recent sailing should not be misinterpreted as Australia making a point to China [292b86bf].

The halal industry is experiencing rapid growth, and Halal Expo London 2023 aims to promote the halal economy on an international scale [292b86bf]. China has reported no unusual or novel pathogens in the respiratory illnesses spreading in the north of the country [292b86bf]. The International Criminal Court has issued an arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin and his children's commissioner for the war crime of unlawful deportation and transfer of children from Ukraine to Russia [292b86bf]. A former Obama official racially abused an Arab food vendor in New York, prompting his former employer to fire him and offer legal services to the vendor [292b86bf].

The Australian navy's encounter with the Chinese fighter jet highlights the ongoing tensions between the two nations and the potential risks involved in military operations [9e3835ad]. The incident occurred as the Australian air warfare destroyer HMAS Hobart was enforcing UN sanctions against North Korea in the Yellow Sea [9e3835ad]. The release of flares by the Chinese fighter jet endangered an Australian navy Seahawk helicopter, forcing the pilot to take evasive action to avoid being hit [9e3835ad]. The Australian government has expressed its concerns to China regarding the incident [9e3835ad]. This encounter is the most serious between the two nations' forces since Australia accused a Chinese destroyer of injuring Australian navy divers with sonar pulses in Japanese waters [9e3835ad].

China's aggressive military behavior towards Australia's defense personnel highlights the need for a new military strategy [7f5b2ac0]. The Chinese military has engaged in dangerous actions, such as dropping flares in front of a Navy helicopter enforcing UN sanctions [7f5b2ac0]. The current Australian government's China policy is not effectively restraining this behavior [7f5b2ac0]. Australia's region is becoming more dangerous due to an aggressive China [7f5b2ac0]. The National Defence Strategy, which outlines the defense budget for the next ten years, proposes that Australia's military will become less capable and less powerful while China and its partners become more powerful [7f5b2ac0]. To address this, Australia needs a new plan that acknowledges the reality and rapidly increases military power [7f5b2ac0]. The Chinese government denies endangering the lives of Australian helicopter aircrew and portrays its military as behaving dangerously due to Australia's pushiness and proximity [7f5b2ac0]. However, China has engaged in similarly dangerous behavior in international waters and others' Exclusive Economic Zones [7f5b2ac0]. The Australian government's response to China's aggression has been predictable, involving diplomatic representations and discussions with Chinese counterparts [7f5b2ac0]. To effectively address this pattern of behavior, Australia's national leader and Defense minister should use all available levers, including direct phone calls and meetings, and back their words with actions and military power [7f5b2ac0]. Expelling Chinese military attaches and sanctioning Chinese pilots and commanders should be considered [7f5b2ac0]. A credible plan with actions to rapidly grow military power and work closely with partners and allies is necessary to make Australians safer in a more dangerous world [7f5b2ac0].

Australia's defense strategy is not prepared for conflict in an age of empires [15cfdf93]. The current strategy is based on a post-World War II, Westphalian world view that no longer aligns with the resurgence of empire seen in Russia and China [15cfdf93]. Different cultures lead to different world views and behaviors, and the fundamental strategic challenges are shifting from competing national interests to a contest between the Western rules-based order and the older, land-based empires [15cfdf93]. Australia is in competition with empires for shaping the world order, and empires seeking to reorder the world will not be deterred by traditional strategies of post-Cold War democracies [15cfdf93]. Empires do not recognize regional balance, only borderlands, and authoritarian empires have no regard for the international rules-based order [15cfdf93]. Authoritarian powers are unlikely to accept restraints on their behavior, and authoritarian empires have succession issues that may lead to greater disruption [15cfdf93]. The current defense strategy is out of touch with the challenges at hand and lacks urgency and funding for reform and uplift [15cfdf93].

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