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NASA Upgrades Test Infrastructure at Stennis Space Center with Innovative Approach

2024-05-25 19:48:46.052000

NASA has employed an innovative engineering approach to upgrade the water system at its Stennis Space Center in Mississippi. The water system is crucial for large propulsion testing, supplying approximately 3 million gallons of water to the Fred Haise Test Stand during a 500-second RS-25 engine test. The upgrade involves installing a steel liner inside the existing steel pipe, allowing for the renewal of the system without the need for a new pipeline route. The project is expected to be completed by the end of the summer and is being carried out by a team from NASA, Syncom Space Services, Healtheon Inc., and National Welding Corp. [c3eae430]

This infrastructure upgrade is part of NASA's ongoing efforts to enhance the capabilities of the Stennis Space Center for the testing of the RS-25 engines, which will power the Space Launch System (SLS) rockets for Artemis missions to the Moon and Mars. The water system plays a critical role in these tests, and the innovative approach being used for the upgrade will ensure the system's efficiency and reliability. By renewing the existing steel pipe with a steel liner, NASA can avoid the need for a new pipeline route, saving time and resources. This upgrade will contribute to the overall success of the Artemis campaign and NASA's plans to return humans to the Moon and explore further into space. [8f76042c]

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