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Debate on Trump and Biden: Comparisons to Nazi Germany and the Current State of the United States

2024-07-04 00:24:53.638000

A recent opinion article by Wayne Allen Root on hometowndebate.com compares America today to Nazi Germany in the 1930s. The article highlights the differences in approaches to the Covid vaccine between Trump and Biden, with Biden mandating it and violating the Nuremberg Code. Root argues that Democrats have implemented measures similar to Hitler's regime, such as lockdowns, mask mandates, and business closures. The article also accuses Democrats of wanting vaccine passports and using government agencies like the FBI to target political opponents. Root claims that Democrats engage in media manipulation, mass censorship, and demonization of conservatives. The article concludes by mentioning the anarchy and threats of violence on college campuses and the imprisonment of individuals without due process. Root suggests that Democrats are trying to turn the country into Nazi Germany and criticizes those who fail to see it. [7d8f957e] [315ce309]

In another opinion piece by David Kurtz on Talking Points Memo, he discusses the current state of the United States, referring to it as a 'Cold Civil War.' Kurtz criticizes the Supreme Court's decision on presidential immunity and warns of authoritarianism. He highlights the Heritage Foundation's involvement in funding a blacklist of government workers and mentions President Biden honoring heroes from the Civil War. Kurtz also addresses the calls for Biden to step aside, which he denies. The media is criticized for its treatment of Biden and its failure to take Trump seriously. Charles M. Blow argues that forcing Biden out of the race would benefit Trump. Overall, Kurtz suggests that the country is in a divided and tumultuous state. [81255d6f] [315ce309]

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