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Investment Advisory Firms Flock to Dubai's Growing Market

2023-11-01 06:39:52.677000

Dubai is becoming an increasingly attractive destination for investment advisory firms, driven by its large share of ultra-high net worth individuals (UHNWIs) and the projected influx of millionaires. Octave Asset Management (OAM) is one such firm that has established its presence in Dubai, offering a wide range of investment solutions. The UAE's strong economic growth and positive outlook make it a promising market for these firms [18b280ea].

OAM places a strong emphasis on transparency, accountability, and integrity in its client-centric approach. The firm advises investors to diversify their portfolios and prioritize value and fundamentals. With a goal of managing over $500 million in assets by 2024, OAM plans to expand its operations globally and introduce more solutions. It also aims to leverage its partnership with Octave Holdings & Investments to further enhance its offerings [18b280ea].

The presence of investment advisory firms like OAM in Dubai is expected to redefine the asset management industry and set new benchmarks for excellence. As Dubai continues to attract UHNWIs and foster economic growth, these firms play a crucial role in guiding investors and helping them navigate the market [18b280ea].

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