v0.02 🌳  

California Explores Feasibility of Ocean Waves as New Source of Clean Energy

2023-12-02 21:37:22.577000

California is taking steps to explore the feasibility of using ocean waves as a source of clean energy. The state has signed a bill instructing agencies to study the potential of capturing ocean movement to create power and report back by 2025. While wave and tidal power have great potential along the Pacific coast, the technology is still under development and has not yet produced commercial power for the grid. The industry faces challenges such as high costs, complex working conditions, and the need for durable equipment. However, there is optimism that wave and tidal energy could make significant contributions to the nation's energy needs. More research is needed to assess the potential impacts on marine life, shipping, and other ocean users. If successful, wave and tidal energy could be used to charge oceangoing vessels, power remote communities, support desalination plants, and more.

California's exploration of ocean wave energy aligns with its goal to transition to an all-renewable electric grid by 2045. The state has set ambitious targets for clean energy, and wave and tidal energy could play a crucial role in achieving these goals. While the technology is still in its early stages, the signing of the bill demonstrates California's commitment to exploring new avenues for renewable energy sources.

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