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Warner Music Group and Sony Music Take Steps to Regulate AI Use in the Music Industry

2024-07-05 22:46:24.306000

In a recent development, Warner Music Group (WMG) has joined Sony Music in advocating for regulation and proper licensing when using their music catalog in AI technologies. WMG issued a letter to tech companies, expressing the need for ethical and responsible use of AI in the arts [3196cf97].

The move by WMG and Sony Music reflects the growing concerns among artists and industry professionals regarding the use of AI in music. The letter from WMG emphasizes the importance of protecting artists' rights and ensuring that AI technologies are used in a way that respects copyright and licensing agreements. By taking a proactive stance on AI regulation, WMG and Sony Music are setting a new standard for the industry and may encourage other companies to follow suit [3196cf97].

This development adds to the ongoing dialogue about the potential impact of AI on the music industry. While some artists and experts see AI as a tool that can enhance creativity and innovation, others express concerns about its potential to replace human musicians and undermine the value of human artistry. The actions taken by WMG and Sony Music contribute to a more balanced and responsible approach to AI use in the music industry, ensuring that artists are properly compensated and their work is protected [3196cf97].

Suno, an AI start-up, has released an iOS app that allows users to create songs by plugging in starter text. Despite facing lawsuits from record companies claiming copyright infringement, the app remains live and free to download. The controversy surrounding the app raises concerns about the devaluation of music and the potential for record labels to pitch their copyright song catalogues to AI companies. Additionally, there are concerns about streaming services creating synthetic artists [5e1450c2].

The author of the article experimented with the Suno app and found that while creating songs with AI is fun, it also raised concerns about the devaluation of music. However, indie-pop artist Max Vehuni sees potential in AI as a tool to enhance an artist's writing and production. The future of AI music and its impact on the music industry remains uncertain [5e1450c2].

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