v0.19 🌳  

Ralph Yarl Files Civil Lawsuit After Being Shot at Wrong House, DOJ Sues Manager and Owner of Koreatown Rental Property for Sexual Harassment

2024-05-12 15:04:55.581000

Ralph Yarl, a Black teenager, has filed a civil lawsuit against Andrew Lester and the Highland Acres Lakeside Heights Homeowners Association in Missouri. Yarl was shot and injured last year when he mistakenly went to the wrong house to pick up his twin brothers. The lawsuit alleges that their 'carelessness' and 'negligence' led to Yarl's permanent injuries. Yarl's attorney, Lee Merritt, stated that Yarl wants justice and to be able to move freely in his community without fear of being criminalized or assaulted. Lester's criminal trial is set to begin on October 7. Yarl suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and his recovery is ongoing. The family is seeking financial compensation and the cost of legal fees through the civil suit.

One year ago today, on May 12, 2023, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) filed a civil rights lawsuit against Abraham Kesary, the manager of a Koreatown apartment building, and M&F Development, the property's owner. The lawsuit alleges that Kesary sexually harassed female residents, offered housing benefits in exchange for sex, made unwelcome sexual comments and advances, entered the homes of female tenants without permission, and subjected female tenants to unwelcome sexual acts. The alleged harassment occurred from at least 2012 until at least 2020. The DOJ claims that these actions violated the Fair Housing Act. The lawsuit seeks monetary damages for the victims, a civil penalty, and a court order to prevent future discrimination. The property owner has not yet commented on the lawsuit. [c25e9abd] [59c8cf46]

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