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Vancouver Island's Economic Challenges and Solutions Discussed in Podcast

2023-11-15 02:18:19.686000

Vancouver Island's economic growth requires innovation and leadership from businesses and communities, according to economist Susan Mowbray. The State of the Island address highlighted lower growth expectations due to factors such as extreme weather, housing price stagnation, and economic conditions in China. Mowbray also noted that population growth has eroded affordability and made the region less competitive compared to other parts of Canada. While the labour market is strong, lower-skill sectors like tourism and hospitality struggle to fill positions. The housing market, with benchmark prices of $750,000 across the Island and $1-1.2 million in Victoria, limits growth potential. Mowbray emphasized the need for investments in the economy to maintain the current quality of life and suggested that Vancouver Island can either rely on population growth and real estate or take a more difficult path of innovation.

In a recent podcast interview with economist Jock Finlayson, the economic challenges facing British Columbia were discussed. Finlayson highlighted the unaffordability of housing and the challenges faced by renters in the province. He also discussed the impact of interest rates on insolvencies and bankruptcies, expressing skepticism about the effectiveness of current restrictions in solving the housing crisis. The podcast aims to encourage dialogue and debate on these issues, shedding light on the economic and societal issues affecting British Columbia.

These discussions on Vancouver Island and British Columbia's economic challenges underscore the need for innovative solutions and investments in the economy to address issues such as housing affordability and competitiveness. [1a06c045] [f463f25b]

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