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'Thankful we were there' | Louisville rowing coach rescues man from Ohio River during practice

2024-06-12 03:58:23.813000
[num] WDRB

Severe flooding in southern Germany has claimed the life of a rescue worker. The 42-year-old firefighter died while attempting to rescue residents who were trapped by the major flooding. The firefighter was in a rescue boat that capsized, and his body was recovered the following day. The flooding in southern Germany was caused by heavy rain, and the downpour is expected to continue. Chancellor Olaf Scholz expressed gratitude to the rescue workers and helpers who have been working tirelessly to assist those affected by the floods. Economy Minister and Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck visited the affected regions and acknowledged that climate change is contributing to more severe weather events. This tragic incident serves as a reminder of the dangers faced by those on the front lines of rescue efforts during natural disasters. Germany experienced significant flooding in 2021, which was largely attributed to climate change.

In a separate incident, Riley Kerber, head coach at the Louisville Rowing Club, rescued a man from the Ohio River while she was on the river for practice. The weather forced some rowers near the Big Four Bridge, where Kerber heard someone yelling and saw a man struggling in the water. She maneuvered her boat to the man, who complained of back pain and was spitting up blood. Kerber called 911 and learned that the man had jumped off the bridge. She dropped him off at the fire department's dock, where EMS took him to the hospital. Kerber and her rowers had a conversation about coping with the incident. The man's identity and the cause of his jump are unknown. [30f1d919]

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