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Global INDIAai Summit 2024 Concludes with 12,000 AI Experts in Attendance

2024-07-05 03:00:10.025000

The Global INDIAai Summit successfully concluded with 12,000 AI experts in attendance, both physically and virtually. The summit, held in New Delhi, focused on the implementation aspects of the INDIAai Mission and emphasized the Indian government's commitment to democratizing AI and making it accessible to all. The event featured 12 side sessions, with 2,000 experts and practitioners participating physically and over 10,000 attending virtually [638970ab].

The summit delved into various topics related to AI, including multi-LLM models, platformization and standardization of AI-ready data, partner ecosystem and multi-stakeholder approach, and leveraging India's skilled and talent ecosystem. It also saw the convening of the Collaborative AI on Global Partnership (CAIGP) and the announcement of a new integrated partnership on AI between OECD-OCDE and GPAI. The discussions during the summit centered around the future vision of the Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence, recognizing the transformative potential of AI, the emerging risks and challenges, and the commitment to fostering trustworthy and human-centric AI [638970ab].

In addition to the main sessions, the summit included side sessions on various AI-related topics such as AI education and skilling, global south representation, startup ecosystem support, legal frameworks, and AI in agriculture. These sessions provided a platform for in-depth discussions and collaborations among experts from different fields [638970ab].

The Global INDIAai Summit 2024 showcased India's dedication to advancing AI and its commitment to global collaboration. The event brought together a diverse range of AI experts and practitioners, fostering knowledge sharing and promoting the responsible and inclusive development of AI [638970ab].

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