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Goya Foods CEO Blames Biden-Harris Policies for Rising Poverty

2024-09-08 14:45:16.536000

Food costs for Labor Day BBQs have surged significantly since President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris took office in January 2021. Key items have seen notable price increases: ground beef is up 26%, hot dogs have risen 25%, chicken costs 23% more, biscuits are up 28%, beer has increased by 16%, lettuce is up 21%, and condiments have risen by 24%. This dramatic rise in food prices is part of a broader inflation narrative, which saw the inflation rate soar from 1.4% in January 2021 to a peak of 9.1% in June 2022. Although the inflation rate has since fallen to 3.0% as of June 2023, the cumulative inflation since January 2021 stands at nearly 20%, marking the highest inflation rate since President Carter's administration [27f00b9f].

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has identified the American Rescue Plan Act and the Inflation Reduction Act as significant contributors to the ongoing inflation crisis. Critics argue that these policies have exacerbated the cost of living for American families, particularly impacting essential goods such as food. As the Biden-Harris administration continues to navigate economic challenges, the rising costs of everyday items remain a pressing concern for voters, especially as they prepare for the upcoming presidential election [27f00b9f].

In a recent statement, Goya Foods CEO Bob Unanue criticized the Biden-Harris administration for its economic policies, claiming they are driving people into poverty. He pointed to a 'war on fossil fuels' and rising inflation as key factors contributing to economic hardship, noting that the administration's policies have resulted in a loss of 438,000 full-time jobs in August 2024. Unanue emphasized that the average family now faces an additional cost of $28,000 due to inflation, further straining household budgets [2846b795].

Former President Donald Trump has also accused the Biden administration of failing to manage the economy effectively, pointing to the sharp increases in grocery prices as evidence of their mismanagement. Trump claims that Americans were better off under his presidency, and he has labeled the current inflation situation as 'Kamala's inflation nightmare.' This sentiment resonates with many Americans, as nearly 50% believe the economy is worse now than when Biden took office [20495d4c] [8422e5b9].

The rising costs of food and other essentials have led many households to adopt new financial strategies. Workers across the nation, particularly those from younger, lower-income, and minority backgrounds, have reported needing to switch stores, cut out brand-name items, and even turn to payday loans to cope with the financial strain. The White House has denied that Biden's policies have contributed to inflation, instead attributing the price hikes to corporate greed and price gouging [a63abe44].

As the economic narrative unfolds, both Trump and Biden's administrations are under scrutiny for their handling of inflation and the cost of living. With Labor Day approaching, the rising costs of BBQ essentials serve as a stark reminder of the ongoing economic challenges faced by many American families. The disparities in benefits for non-citizens compared to legal residents, as highlighted by Unanue, add another layer to the debate on economic policy and support systems in the U.S. [27f00b9f].

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