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Asean's Post-2025 Plans: Addressing Economic Integration and Strategic Challenges

2024-06-12 05:58:17.346000

In a recent analysis by Tan Sri Dr Munir Majid in The Edge Malaysia, the author emphasizes the need for Asean to be bold and strategic in its post-2025 plans. The Asean secretariat is currently preparing the post-2025 Asean Community plans, with a particular focus on the Asean Economic Community (AEC) plan. The AEC post-2025 blueprint should address economic, political-security, and sociocultural challenges [284bd97d].

The Asean Integration Monitoring Directorate has reported that a majority of the 2,408 action lines under the AEC Blueprint 2015-25 have been completed. The Asean economy has grown to be approximately the same size as India's, with a GDP of US$3.8 trillion. However, efforts at economic integration should be doubled in the next blueprint to overcome barriers that hinder further progress. The Asean decision-making process is slow, and the secretariat is underfunded. To address this, Malaysia should push for the establishment of an Asean High-Level Commission (AHLC) that can make decisions during emergencies. The AHLC could handle socioeconomic emergencies, while the Asean Coordinating Council would coordinate decisions already made by the leaders. The post-2025 blueprints should also address challenges in areas such as security, technology, and climate change [284bd97d].

The AEC Blueprint should acknowledge the challenges posed by climate change and the need for joint action. The Asean post-2025 plan should confront the strategic challenges that are impacting the world and suggest ways to effectively manage them [284bd97d].

This analysis provides valuable insights into the importance of Asean's post-2025 plans, particularly in addressing economic integration and strategic challenges. The author highlights the need for bold and strategic decision-making, as well as increased efforts in economic integration. By addressing these challenges and working together, Asean can continue to strengthen its position as a regional powerhouse and effectively navigate the changing global landscape.

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