Stories Tagged: Afghanistan

Pakistan Vows Military Strikes in Response to TTP Attacks and China's Warning

Pakistan's defense minister, Khawaja Asif, has confirmed that the country will persist in... (24 revisions)

Recommended Readings for AP Modern World History Class and Best Indian History Books to Learn about Indian History (2024)

In an article titled 'AP Modern world history class: FT readings' [634262c1], the Financial... (5 revisions)

Afghans Struggle to Afford Firewood in Winter Amid Economic Hardships and Sanctions

As winter approaches in Afghanistan, residents are facing difficulties in affording firewood to... (6 revisions)

McConnell Supports Ukraine Aid and Criticizes Biden's Handling of Economy and Inflation

Former President Donald Trump made surprising comments during a recent fundraising event,... (8 revisions)

The Failures of American State and Democracy-Building in Post-Taliban Afghanistan and Sudan

The United States' intervention in Afghanistan after 9/11 aimed to establish democracy and... (8 revisions)

Syrian Heritage at Risk as U.S. Blockade Impacts Antiquities

Dozens of archaeological sites in Afghanistan have been bulldozed for looting since the Taliban... (13 revisions)

ECOWAS Peace Fund Reaffirms Commitment to Humanitarian Assistance on World Refugee Day

Pakistan and Hong Kong are both continuing their efforts to address the issue of illegal... (15 revisions)

International Donors Pledge $8.1 Billion in Aid for Conflict-Hit Syrians and Afghanistan Faces Critical Funding Gaps

The ongoing civil war in Syria has received a boost in humanitarian aid, with international... (15 revisions)

Russia Considers Removing Afghan Taliban from Terrorist List, Sparking Controversy

Russia's foreign and justice ministries have recommended to President Putin that the ruling... (19 revisions)

Taliban and Mali Ban Political Party Activities, Drawing Criticism

The Taliban's ban on political party activities in Afghanistan has been met with criticism, as a... (22 revisions)

The Political Economy of Narcoterrorism: Pakistan's Rising Share

Smuggling is causing a loss of billions to the total volume of Pakistan's economy, according to... (40 revisions)

The Vital Role of Afghan Women in Forging a Shared Future

Rina Amiri, the U.S. Special Envoy for Human Rights in Afghanistan, emphasizes the need for... (41 revisions)