Stories Tagged: Brookings

Brookings Ranks as Second Most Affordable College Town in the U.S.

Brookings, South Dakota, has recently been recognized as the second most affordable college town... (7 revisions)

Should the U.S. Tax Inheritances Instead of Estates?

A recent study by Cerulli Associates highlights that a staggering $105 trillion is projected to... (12 revisions)

Ares Charitable Foundation Launches Initiative to Support Latino Entrepreneurs

In a significant move to bolster economic development and support for Latino entrepreneurs in... (14 revisions)

Evaluating the Impact of TCJA on U.S. Business Investment

The Tax Cut and Jobs Act (TCJA) of 2017 was designed to stimulate business investment by... (16 revisions)

How Can We Better Support College Students in Their Journey?

On December 11, 2024, Brookings Senior Fellow Sarah Reber presented her report titled... (51 revisions)