Stories Tagged: astronomy

NASA-Inspired Technology Transforms Conservatories for Homeowners

Astrotourism, a form of nature-based tourism focused on celestial objects and the physical... (5 revisions)

AI Revolutionizes Astronomy on International Astronomy Day 2024: Industry Leaders Share Insights on AI Appreciation Day

International Astronomy Day is observed on May 18 and October 12 in 2024. It was initiated by... (12 revisions)

A Rare Alignment of Seven Planets Set for February 2025

On February 28, 2025, a rare astronomical event will occur as all seven planets of the Solar... (13 revisions)

Astronomers Capture Close-Up of Dying Star WOH G64, Potential Supernova on the Horizon

Astronomers have captured an unprecedented close-up image of WOH G64, a red supergiant star... (25 revisions)

Revealing the Early Universe: JWST's Stunning Discoveries

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has made groundbreaking discoveries about the early... (46 revisions)