Stories Tagged: homelessness

San Francisco's Preparations for APEC Summit and Media Criticism

San Francisco has made significant efforts to clean up its streets ahead of the Asia-Pacific... (1 revisions)

Christmas in the West: Inflation and Rising Insecurity Dampen Holiday Spirit

The Christmas season in the West has been marred by dogged inflation and rising insecurity. Many... (8 revisions)

Emergency Shelter Opens 24 Hours Amid Extreme Cold in Davenport

In response to the extreme cold weather forecasted for the region, Project NOW's emergency... (13 revisions)

Homelessness Crisis Deepens: National and Local Trends

San Francisco, a city known for its vibrant culture and innovation, has been grappling with a... (15 revisions)

Mixed-Use Development Project in West Hollywood Turns into 'WeHo Lake'

An ongoing mixed-use development project in West Hollywood, known as the Melrose Triangle, has... (20 revisions)

Ireland's Housing Crisis: A Catalyst for Emigration?

Ireland is currently facing a severe housing crisis, prompting a significant portion of its... (22 revisions)

Surge in Food Assistance Requests Amid Economic Challenges in Spokane

The 2024 Map the Meal Gap report by Feeding America reveals a concerning increase in hunger... (22 revisions)

U.S. Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Cities' Ability to Punish Homeless People

Cities in the US, including Yakima and Portland, are closely watching the US Supreme Court as it... (27 revisions)

The Impact of Homelessness on Older Women in Grand Junction

The Golden Girls program, a shelter in Grand Junction, Colorado, is expanding its services to... (27 revisions)