Stories Tagged: inequality

The End of South Africa's Political Monopoly and its Potential Impact on Economic Growth

South Africa's economy has been plagued by high inequality, excessive corporate power, and... (18 revisions)

The First Insecurity is Poverty

According to a survey conducted by OpinionWay for Le Parisien - Aujourd'hui en France, the main... (1 revisions)

The Need for Worker Solidarity: Dollar General Workers and Labor Conditions

Thanks to the recent United Auto Workers (UAW) strike, Americans have gained insight into the... (3 revisions)

Varavara Rao: The Brahmin Poet and Communist Who Gives Voice to the Oppressed

Varavara Rao, a Brahmin poet and Communist, is known for his politically oriented poetry that... (3 revisions)

The Impact of Capitalism on Mental Health: A Global Crisis

In today's society, the challenges faced by individuals with mental illness are further... (4 revisions)

The Benefits of Aggressive Fiscal Policy in Response to Recessions

Recent research suggests that overshooting the recovery, as the U.S. economy did in the pandemic... (5 revisions)

The Controversy Surrounding Algebra in US Schools

The San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD) has decided to bring back algebra to its... (7 revisions)

The Influence of Big Capital on Inequality and Political Control in South Africa

The government of South Africa is facing significant challenges, as highlighted in an opinion... (13 revisions)

The Influence of Luck and Capitalism on a Fair Society

In an article published by Jacobin magazine, Ben Burgis discusses the influence of luck and... (15 revisions)

The Ongoing Debate on Capitalism and Socialism: Perspectives and Proposals

Since the middle of the 1850s, economists and social scientists have been predicting the... (16 revisions)

The Underestimated Extent of Poverty in America

Despite signs of economic growth and easing inflation pressures in the United States, many... (32 revisions)

India's Potential to Become a Modern Industrial Giant and Change World History: A Green Vision for the Future

India is predicted to emerge as an economic superpower amid the impending global economic... (94 revisions)