Stories Tagged: opinion

The Controversy Surrounding Christine Blasey Ford's Accusation Against Brett Kavanaugh

In recent news, an opinion piece published in The Washington Post has sparked controversy... (6 revisions)

A Fresh Take on Year-End Reflections and Resolutions

In an opinion piece titled 'Ceci n’est pas un bilan' by Catherine Lüscher, the author challenges... (6 revisions)

Are Ireland's Data Centre Limits and Airport Caps Hindering Economic Growth?

In a recent opinion piece, Matt Cooper argues that Ireland's current policies regarding data... (9 revisions)

Cultural Appropriation and the Global Bubble Tea Debate

The recent controversy surrounding the Canadian brand Bobba has sparked discussions about... (20 revisions)

Do Elites Truly Understand California's Economic Landscape?

In a recent opinion piece in the Los Angeles Times, Drew Irby and Chris Hordan critique the... (59 revisions)