Stories Tagged: violations

Lobbying Violations Raise Concerns Amid House Leadership Shakeup

The recent leadership shakeup in the House of Representatives has left K Street lobbyists facing... (7 revisions)

Challenges in Nigeria and South Korea's Healthcare Systems Highlight the Need for Reform

Prof Emem Bassey, Chief Medical Director of the University of Uyo Teaching Hospital, discusses... (10 revisions)

The Suffering of Julian Assange and Gaza Civilians: Parallels and Western Hypocrisy

The recent conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza has raised questions about the legality of... (16 revisions)

Press Freedoms Decline in Israel, Indian-Administered Kashmir, and Kazakhstan, Shaping Perspectives on Conflicts

Press freedoms in Israel, Indian-administered Kashmir, and Kazakhstan are facing severe threats,... (24 revisions)

Restaurant Inspections Reveal Violations in Myrtle Beach Area

The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) routinely inspects... (31 revisions)

Report Exposes Human Rights Violations Against Women Deprived of Liberty in Myanmar and Calls for Accountability

A briefing paper released by the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) documents the... (65 revisions)