[Tree] Investment diversification, Risk-adjusted returns, Stock market volatility, Interest rates, Yields, Government debt, UK, Europe, National Infrastructure Commission, Offshore wind sector, Market sell-offs, Risk aversion, Listed private equity sector, Discounts, Portfolio diversification, Illiquid assets in UK defined contribution (DC) schemes, Asset-based finance, Private credit, Consumer lending, Return potential
Version 0.11 (2024-05-21 07:57:10.133000)
updates: Added information about asset-based finance and private credit diversification
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Version 0.1 (2023-11-30 16:15:05.537000)
updates: Added information about the benefits and challenges of illiquid assets in UK defined contribution schemes
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Version 0.09 (2023-11-29 10:08:26.838000)
updates: Integration of information on the challenges faced by alternative assets and the potential opportunities in renewable energy and associated infrastructure
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Version 0.08 (2023-10-23 18:46:27.638000)
updates: Rephrased and expanded on the benefits of alternative investments for portfolio diversification
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Version 0.07 (2023-10-11 11:27:22.200000)
updates: Incorporated information about hedge fund survey and updated the narrative to include recent events
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Version 0.06 (2023-10-10 14:17:26.885000)
updates: The story has been restructured and expanded with additional details and context.
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Version 0.05 (2023-10-07 08:54:46.380000)
updates: Added information about the positive performance of trend hedge funds amid the bond market rout
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Version 0.04 (2023-10-06 12:56:42.328000)
updates: Focus on the positive performance of trend hedge funds in the bond market rout
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Version 0.03 (2023-10-06 10:58:41.992000)
updates: Added information about bond yields and fund flows [30b43935]
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Version 0.02 (2023-10-06 10:54:25.568000)
updates: The new narrative discusses the massive outflows from global bond funds, the impact on the global financial system, and the challenges faced by economic policymakers. It also provides additional details on the outflows in different regions and sectors.
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Version 0.01 (2023-10-06 10:09:21.445000)
updates: The new narrative emphasizes the global implications of surging bond yields and the challenges faced by economic policymakers. It also highlights the discussions at the annual meetings of the IMF and World Bank and the complexities that central bankers must navigate.
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