[Tree] Nigeria's tourism sector policy and economic impact

Version 0.12 (2024-08-25 12:53:25.005000)

updates: Introduction of tourism policy and economic growth projections

Version 0.11 (2024-08-22 04:44:46.237000)

updates: Introduction of $100 billion annual investment plan

Version 0.1 (2024-07-08 01:02:47.762000)

updates: The World Bank has extended Nigeria's Digital Identification for Development project to 2026 due to funding shortfalls

Version 0.1 (2024-07-08 01:02:47.762000)

updates: The World Bank has extended Nigeria's Digital Identification for Development project to 2026 due to funding shortfalls

Version 0.09 (2024-03-02 14:31:01.651000)

updates: Added information about healthcare funding gaps in Nigeria's 2024 budget

Version 0.08 (2024-01-12 02:19:00.388000)

updates: New information on the foreign exchange benchmark, borrowing, and core priorities of the 2024 budget

Version 0.07 (2023-12-20 05:21:25.329000)

updates: Incorporated information about Uganda's 2024/2025 national budget and financing strategies

Version 0.06 (2023-11-23 18:14:17.830000)

updates: Unveiling of Nigeria's 2024 budget, challenges of declining oil production, illegal refineries, weak market confidence, impractical exchange rate projection, decline in capital inflows, need for domestic resource mobilization, cancellation of non-oil export initiatives, high debt-service-to-revenue ratio, interactive public hearings by Senate Committee on Finance, investigation of revenue remittances and stamp duty payment, reappraisal of government's roadmap and strategy, lack of policy continuity and implementation, need for sustainable solutions and alternative revenue sources, importance of credible governance and fiscal frameworks

Version 0.05 (2023-11-17 02:56:13.457000)

updates: Updated information on the feasibility of Nigeria's 2024 budget and the government's reliance on borrowing

Version 0.04 (2023-11-12 15:27:36.765000)

updates: Restructured and combined two news stories about Nigeria's 2024 budget and economic challenges

Version 0.03 (2023-10-31 05:29:07.020000)

updates: Restructured and streamlined information, eliminated repetitive points, maintained a clear and objective perspective, ensured logical flow

Version 0.02 (2023-10-30 04:47:56.977000)

updates: Restructured and streamlined paragraphs, eliminated repetitive points, maintained clear and objective perspective

Version 0.01 (2023-10-30 00:23:17.001000)

updates: Restructured and streamlined information

Version 0.0 (2023-10-29 21:36:15.851000)
