[Tree] Controversy over missing billions in Trinidad and Tobago's national accounts, Economic initiatives in mid-year review, MOU with US Export-Import Bank

Version 0.19 (2024-06-22 14:55:14.254000)

updates: Inclusion of information about the MOU with US Export-Import Bank

Version 0.18 (2024-06-09 11:00:35.802000)

updates: Trinidad and Tobago Chamber praises government's economic initiatives in mid-year review

Version 0.17 (2024-05-19 01:53:05.665000)

updates: Controversy over missing billions in national accounts

Version 0.16 (2024-03-16 06:21:29.508000)

updates: Trinidad and Tobago government seeks to raise borrowing limit

Version 0.15 (2024-03-13 20:18:02.444000)

updates: Updated information on US national debt and concerns about excessive federal spending

Version 0.14 (2024-03-13 03:18:35.193000)

updates: Elon Musk expresses concern over US national debt and government spending

Version 0.13 (2024-03-03 04:17:20.663000)

updates: Updated information on US interest payments and defense spending

Version 0.12 (2024-03-01 21:17:14.810000)

updates: The U.S. interest payments on its debt are set to exceed defense spending

Version 0.11 (2024-03-01 17:22:20.931000)

updates: Investor interest in US debt declines as yields rise

Version 0.1 (2024-02-29 17:19:39.879000)

updates: Updated information on rising yields and investor concerns about US debt

Version 0.09 (2024-02-28 03:17:21.565000)

updates: The report by the Congressional Budget Office raises concerns about the stability of the US dollar as the global monetary system's base, citing the explosive growth of US public debt and the potential threat to the dollar's primacy. The US's triple-A rating has already been removed by Fitch, and the demand for safe dollar assets risks overwhelming the US government's fiscal capacity to back them. The UK crisis of 2022 is cited as an example of bond market vigilantes potentially turning their disruptive talents to the US Treasury market, threatening the dollar's status as the pre-eminent reserve currency [ea526c9d].

Version 0.08 (2024-02-24 14:26:24.170000)

updates: The US debt crisis and its implications for the global economy

Version 0.07 (2024-01-05 00:17:50.417000)

updates: Mexico issues record-breaking debt bonds, becoming Wall Street's favorite

Version 0.06 (2023-12-24 18:00:58.286000)

updates: China's continued divestment from US Treasury bonds

Version 0.05 (2023-12-18 14:02:17.255000)

updates: China advised to gradually reduce US Treasury holdings

Version 0.04 (2023-12-18 12:05:01.564000)

updates: China advised to gradually reduce US Treasury holdings

Version 0.03 (2023-11-24 22:37:13.222000)

updates: China's ownership of US debt

Version 0.02 (2023-11-24 22:36:55.146000)

updates: China holds $1.05 trillion of US debt

Version 0.01 (2023-11-24 17:36:24.515000)

updates: The U.S. debt crisis and its consequences for the global economy

Version 0.0 (2023-11-23 14:23:32.481000)
