[Tree] Scientists in North Wollongong pioneer bioengineered cornea using 3D printing technology, surgeons successfully transplant CRISPR-edited pig kidney in Boston, lung transplantation in advanced age candidates, the death of the first recipient of a pig kidney transplant, and racial bias in kidney donations

Version 0.3 (2024-06-25 13:01:13.725000)

updates: Integration of information about racial bias in kidney donations

Version 0.29 (2024-05-12 18:46:33.539000)

updates: The first recipient of a pig kidney transplant has died

Version 0.28 (2024-05-12 18:42:32.050000)

updates: The first recipient of a pig kidney transplant has died

Version 0.27 (2024-05-12 11:48:07.996000)

updates: Death of the first recipient of a pig kidney transplant raises questions about the viability of pig organ transplants

Version 0.26 (2024-04-15 06:41:14.740000)

updates: The article highlights the importance of organ donation and the impact it can have on the lives of those in need

Version 0.25 (2024-04-09 01:22:26.148000)

updates: Lung transplantation offers life-extending benefits for advanced age candidates

Version 0.24 (2024-03-21 15:10:39.607000)

updates: Integration of the successful pig kidney transplant in Boston

Version 0.23 (2024-03-21 15:10:02.987000)

updates: Surgeons at Massachusetts General Hospital transplant genetically modified pig kidney into patient

Version 0.22 (2024-03-21 15:09:34.533000)

updates: Scientists in North Wollongong pioneer bioengineered cornea using 3D printing technology

Version 0.21 (2024-03-21 15:09:03.615000)

updates: Scientists in North Wollongong pioneer bioengineered cornea using 3D printing technology and surgeons successfully transplant CRISPR-edited pig kidney in Boston

Version 0.2 (2024-03-21 15:08:26.276000)

updates: Scientists in North Wollongong pioneer bioengineered cornea using 3D printing technology

Version 0.19 (2024-03-21 15:06:24.240000)

updates: Surgeons at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston successfully transplanted a pig kidney into a living human patient, marking the first successful procedure of its kind in the world.

Version 0.18 (2024-03-21 15:05:46.905000)

updates: The story now includes information about the world's first successful transplant of a genetically edited pig kidney in Massachusetts, providing more readily available organs to patients and offering hope to those in need of a transplant. The pig kidney was genetically edited to remove harmful pig genes and add certain human genes to improve compatibility. The procedure was performed under a single FDA Expanded Access Protocol.

Version 0.17 (2024-03-21 15:04:56.562000)

updates: Integration of information about the pig-to-human kidney transplant in Boston

Version 0.16 (2024-03-21 15:04:25.207000)

updates: Surgeons successfully transplant CRISPR-edited pig kidney in Boston

Version 0.15 (2024-03-21 15:04:00.871000)

updates: Add information about the successful pig kidney transplant in Boston

Version 0.14 (2024-03-21 15:03:35.328000)

updates: The story now includes the successful transplant of a genetically edited pig kidney into a living human in Boston

Version 0.13 (2024-03-21 15:03:00.208000)

updates: Scientists in North Wollongong pioneer bioengineered cornea using 3D printing technology

Version 0.12 (2024-03-21 15:02:28.909000)

updates: Added information about the successful transplant of a genetically edited pig kidney into a living human

Version 0.11 (2024-03-21 15:01:52.152000)

updates: Surgeons successfully transplant pig kidney in Boston

Version 0.1 (2024-03-21 14:17:27.149000)

updates: Surgeons successfully transplant pig kidney in Boston

Version 0.09 (2024-03-21 14:16:58.390000)

updates: Add information about the successful pig kidney transplant in Boston

Version 0.08 (2024-03-21 14:16:37.631000)

updates: Pig kidney transplant in a human

Version 0.07 (2024-02-16 01:13:33.165000)

updates: Development of bioengineered cornea using 3D printing technology

Version 0.06 (2024-01-20 02:51:52.245000)

updates: Partnership between UK and US to tackle biological threats and strengthen biosecurity surveillance UK government unveils £2 million funding for genetic sequencing of disease-causing pathogens UK and US partnership reflects shared ambitions to build resilience in the face of biosecurity threats

Version 0.05 (2023-12-05 00:41:05.835000)

updates: The UK government unveils a £2 billion plan to harness engineering biology for revolutionizing medicine, food, and environmental protection

Version 0.04 (2023-11-05 04:52:46.518000)

updates: Combined two stories into one cohesive narrative

Version 0.03 (2023-10-10 16:26:14.676000)

updates: Restructured and expanded the narrative to provide a comprehensive overview of the BioNETWORK initiative

Version 0.02 (2023-10-08 15:55:42.136000)

updates: The narrative now includes information about the Recombinant DNA Technology market.

Version 0.01 (2023-10-08 15:54:01.968000)

updates: The new narrative provides a comprehensive analysis of the market for Innovative Biologics and emphasizes the role of leading market players.

Version 0.0 (2023-10-08 15:48:15.742000)
