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The Consequences of Prolonging the Gaza Conflict for Palestinians, Israelis, and Global Affairs

2024-06-08 15:53:18.276000

The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza has significant implications for US interests and the Biden administration's strategy in the Middle East. Israel warns that the war in Gaza could extend until the end of the year, with the country anticipating 'seven more months of fighting' to achieve its objective of destroying Hamas [f562b659].

Prolonging the war could have catastrophic consequences for Palestinians. The situation in Gaza is deteriorating, with a projected death toll of 72,000 by August. Innocent civilians continue to suffer, and the humanitarian crisis is worsening. The war has already caused significant harm to the Palestinian population, and prolonging the conflict would only exacerbate their suffering [f562b659].

The war also has significant implications for Israel. Prolonged conflict could harm Israel's economy, with a significant decrease in economic output and downgrades in credit ratings. The country's diplomatic isolation could grow, and its international standing has already been negatively impacted. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's fate is uncertain, as he may face accountability for failing to prevent the conflict. The war has also become a contentious issue in Israeli politics, with potential consequences for the upcoming elections [f562b659].

The conflict in Gaza has consequences for US domestic politics and President Joe Biden's re-election prospects. The Biden administration's response to the Gaza crisis has faced criticism, and the conflict has become a contentious issue in US domestic politics. The war is weighing heavily on Biden's re-election bid, as his handling of the conflict has received disapproval from a majority of voters. Republicans have linked the attack on Israel to Biden's policies towards Iran, using the conflict for political gain. The crisis has intensified internal political divisions among Republicans and weakened the US political structure [f562b659].

The Gaza war also has implications for global affairs. The crisis has strained relations between Israel and Arab countries, making the normalization process more difficult. The conflict has the potential to escalate into a regional war, causing further suffering for innocent civilians. The crisis also affects the power dynamics among major countries, with potential consequences for the US. If the conflict spreads to other parts of the Arab world, it could divert the West's attention from the war in Ukraine, favoring Russia. China could also benefit from the diversion, allowing it to strengthen its position in the South China Sea and compete with the US [0a48264d].

The war in Gaza has had significant consequences, including demoralization of the Israeli public, disruption of societal stability, economic devastation, and a shift in international perception of Israel's actions. Israel finds itself facing challenges on multiple fronts, and the conflict shows no sign of imminent resolution. The International Court of Justice is currently deliberating on a lawsuit presented by South Africa against Israel, accusing it of genocide and ethnic cleansing in Gaza. The ICJ case against Israel could have far-reaching consequences for the international community and the balance of power [8bf1dede].

Prolonging the conflict between Israel and Palestine could have disastrous outcomes for Palestinians, including increased death tolls and worsening humanitarian crises. It could also have significant consequences for Israel, such as economic decline, political instability, and diplomatic isolation. The war may also impact US politics, particularly with President Joe Biden's upcoming elections. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Hamas may benefit politically from prolonging the war, but it could also lead to their downfall. The war has already taken a toll on Israel's economy, with a significant decrease in economic output and downgrades in credit ratings. The war also has implications for Biden's re-election efforts, as his handling of the conflict has received disapproval from a majority of voters. Overall, prolonging the conflict would have severe consequences for all parties involved and global affairs [652aac3d].

Activists are mobilizing in Washington, D.C. to demand an end to Israel's onslaught on Gaza and President Joe Biden's support for it. U.S. support for Israel has long been treated as a 'domestic issue,' but the rights of Palestinians have emerged as a 'domestic issue' in their own right. Biden risks losing the November election because of his insistence on supplying weapons to fuel Israel's siege. Activists are seeking to identify levers of power to stop Biden's policy, including winning over members of Congress, passing ceasefire resolutions, and mobilizing public pressure. The challenge is to carry out a combination of actions that undermine Biden's ability to pursue his policy and make it politically costly and difficult. This includes disrupting the flow of U.S. weapons to Israel, undermining economic support for Israeli violence, and raising the political costs of supporting genocide. The goal is to make carrying out the genocide so difficult and politically expensive that Washington cannot afford it [9f80eaf4].

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