Stories Tagged: peace

Religious Scholars Urged to Promote Peace During Muharram

SSP Doda Abdul Qayoom has extended heartfelt Dussehra greetings to the residents of the... (6 revisions)

China's Five Principles: A Blueprint for Peace and a Vision for Foreign Policy

China recently held a conference to mark the 70th anniversary of the 'Five Principles of... (29 revisions)

The Ethical Dilemma of Redemption: Reflections on the Torah Portion's Focus on Captives

The author, Rabbi Shana Chandler Leon, reflects on the Torah portion of Lech Lecha in an opinion... (2 revisions)

Citizen Diplomacy: Strengthening US-China Relations Through Agriculture and Sub-National Initiatives

California Governor Gavin Newsom's recent visit to China [fab5c6a0] and Chinese President Xi... (2 revisions)

President George Vella and Switzerland’s President Viola Amherd Advocate for Peace at International Forums

President George Vella delivered a speech at the Oxford Union, reflecting on the present state... (2 revisions)

COP29 Aims to Address Global Tensions and Prevent Climate-Fueled Conflicts

Delegates from nearly 200 countries gathered in Dubai for the 28th meeting of the Conference of... (2 revisions)

Addressing Global Trade Imbalances and Climate Change Through Trade Rules

Europe accounts for just 7.5% of global emissions but recognizes the importance of climate... (3 revisions)

Finding Peace Through Prayer: Embracing Faith in Difficult Times

In a recent opinion piece titled 'Finding Perfect Peace in the Face of Death' by Christopher C.... (4 revisions)

Balancing Economic Development, Cultural Heritage, and Tourism: The Shrinking Voodoo Forests of Benin and the Power of Mystic Masks in Burkina Faso

The sacred forests of Benin, home to the Voodoo religion, are facing a significant threat due to... (4 revisions)

African Perspectives on the US Presidential Election: Concerns, Unity, and Economic Impact

Bangladesh and Ghana are not the only countries facing economic challenges and poor governance.... (4 revisions)

Addressing Youth Unemployment and Transboundary Water Cooperation Key to Peace and Stability in SADC Region

Growing populations and the impact of climate change are putting increasing pressure on water... (4 revisions)

The Impact of War Fatigue on US Elections, the Russia-Ukraine Conflict, and European Support for Ukraine

In a recent interview with Global Times, three anti-war activists in the US shared their... (5 revisions)

Promoting Yoruba Language and Culture: Apostle Abayomi Oduneye's Mission

Apostle Abayomi Oduneye, founder of Harvest Point Ministry in Houston, Texas, is on a mission to... (5 revisions)

Examining the Contradiction Between the Commandment 'Thou Shalt Not Kill' and Religious Violence

Israeli strikes continue in Gaza City as ground forces battle Hamas militants near Shifa... (5 revisions)

The Moral Complexity of Immanuel Kant's Philosophy in Light of His 300th Birth Anniversary

In addition to the articles and opinion pieces that delve into the moral complexities of war,... (5 revisions)

Promoting peace and understanding between Israelis, Arabs, and Sahrawis in the wake of recent conflicts

The recent conflicts in the Middle East and North Africa have sparked renewed efforts to bridge... (5 revisions)

Philos Project and Introduce Novena for Peace in Israel and Lebanon During Critical Feast Days

On Palm Sunday, April 28, 2024, the celebration took place in Jerusalem, Syria, and Lebanon. The... (6 revisions)

Tommy Sands Releases New Song for Peace

James Blunt, the pop singer known for his humorous tweets, has recently released a new album... (6 revisions)

Catholic University installs Crucifixion artwork by imprisoned Catholic activist Jimmy Lai; Filipino villager nailed to cross for 35th time on Good Friday

The Catholic University of America (CUA) in Washington, D.C., has installed a drawing of the... (6 revisions)

Turkish author's novel 'Zamir' explores the pursuit of peace amidst conflict and inspires content adaptation

In the midst of the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, a Turkish author named Hakan... (7 revisions)

Ramadan Fasting Amidst War in Gaza Sparks Reflection and Empathy

The art world is facing a division over the war in the Middle East, particularly the conflict... (8 revisions)

Promoting Healing, Reconciliation, and Progress in Antipolo and Iloilo City

The 80th Infantry (Steadfast) Battalion of the Philippine Army has initiated a program in... (10 revisions)

Modakeke Group Denies Involvement in Recent Communal Crisis with Ife

The recent communal crisis between Ife and Modakeke in Ile-Ife, Osun State, has taken a new turn... (10 revisions)

South East Antrim UDA's Outreach Efforts Revealed as a Ruse, UPDF's Role in Somalia, Peace Talks in Sudan, Conflict in South Sudan and Yemen, and False ADF in Ituri

In a recent revelation, an insider has exposed the South East Antrim UDA's outreach efforts as a... (11 revisions)

Reevaluating Europe's Role in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: A Call for a More Effective Strategy

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict continues to escalate, causing tensions and divisions not only... (11 revisions)

The Impact of War, Pandemic, and Potential Civil War on the Global Economy: A Broader Perspective

The global economy has faced significant challenges in recent times, including geopolitical... (12 revisions)

Turkish First Lady Advocates Unity at African Cancer Combat Summit

First Lady Emine Erdogan delivered a message of unity and hope during the Cancer Combat Summit... (12 revisions)

Cyprus-EU Alliance Strengthens Against Hezbollah Threats Amidst Concerns in EU Election

In a recent elections survey commissioned by state broadcaster CyBC, Cypriots expressed... (12 revisions)

A Clash of Cultures: The Battle for Peace at St Pancras and Kortrijk Stations

A clash between piano blogger Dr K and Chinese tourists at St Pancras station in London has... (13 revisions)

Turkmenistan and East African Legislative Assembly Highlight Peace Initiatives at IPU Assembly in Geneva

The delegation of Turkmenistan, led by the Chairman of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan D. Gulmanova,... (13 revisions)

Manoj Bajpayee Embraces an Upper Middle-Class Life and Prioritizes Peace Over Greed

Manoj Bajpayee, a renowned actor, recently discussed his decision to embrace an 'upper... (13 revisions)

American Militarism and the Threat to Peace in South Asia

The United States' focus on its rivalry with China and its efforts to pull India into a... (14 revisions)

US Secretary of State Praises President Ruto for Withdrawing Finance Bill and Promises Dialogue

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken had a phone conversation with President William Ruto after... (14 revisions)

Pianist Girma Yifrashewa Makes Historic Debut at Carnegie Hall

Tonight, Ethiopian pianist and composer, Girma Yifrashewa, will make his debut at Carnegie Hall... (17 revisions)

Vietnam's Culture and Art Promote Peace and Love to the World, Says Ambassador

Vietnam is a country with a rich history and diverse geography. While it is often associated... (29 revisions)

Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II and Ga Mantse King Tackie Teiko Tsru II Promote Unity and Peace

Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams, the Founder and General Overseer of Action Chapel... (39 revisions)

Aggrieved Enigies of Benin Kingdom Ready for Resolution of Dispute with Oba of Benin

Aggrieved enigies (dukes) of Benin Kingdom have expressed their readiness to resolve the dispute... (41 revisions)

The Importance of Peace and a Pro-Philippines Stance in the South China Sea

China's actions in the South China Sea have faced criticism from Senator Francis Tolentino of... (66 revisions)

Singapore Prepared to Recognize Palestine as a State at Appropriate Time: Foreign Minister

Relations between European countries and Israel continue to evolve as the UK's Labour Party... (67 revisions)